Divorce can take a tremendous toll on your physical health. The sense of grief and mind-numbing loss that accompanies the end of a marriage can lead to severe health consequences.

It doesn’t help anybody least of all yourself if you let yourself go. Being healthy helps you stay positive in mind, and that can only help you during a divorce.

Don’t neglect exercise during the divorce. If you had an exercise routine before, stick to it. Carry on with the morning jogs and exercise classes. If you’ve never exercised, then this is the ideal time to start. Working out can help release negative pent-up energy.

Eat right. It’s easy to neglect healthy food during a divorce. However, this is not the time for you to start off on a junk food diet. People do tend to put on pounds, or lose them heavily during a divorce. Avoid those extremes. Make sure you eat 3 square meals a day, and avoid excessive caffeine, and sugary beverages.

You may find that your appetite is poor during the divorce. Make up for the loss of calories by drinking protein shakes, and other healthy beverages that can make up for those losses. Also remember that you’re much more likely to contract infections and illnesses during times of stress, when your immune system is very weak. Eat regular meals, and avoid binging.

Stick to your normal bedtime schedule during the divorce. If you find yourself becoming stressed, seek out a support group. Your friends and family can provide good support during a divorce.

Don’t coop yourself up alone in the home. Go out and get some fresh air and sunshine.

For assistance filing for divorce, call a San Jose divorce attorney .

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