We are now into a new year, and many of us have created new year’s resolutions. Whatever they may be, we all have goals to become a better person. That may mean losing weight, finding a different career path, or even parting ways with a spouse. Divorce is never easy for anyone, but it may become necessary and the only best option for you and your loved ones. While divorce cases arise throughout the year, in many cases, married couples tend to file for divorce at the beginning of the year as a way to start over.

Timing is Everything

There is much speculation that January is the month that married couples are filing for divorce, as there is the symbolization that this month accounts for the beginning of a new life. However, in March and August, there is an increase in divorce filings as well. Valentine’s Day has been so commercialized that many couples do not happily make it through the holiday, and March arrives roughly two weeks after that holiday. August is also a common time for an overflow of divorce filings, since this month marks the end of family vacations.

How to Prepare for a Divorce

If a married couple is anticipating a divorce, they should assemble all of their financial paperwork, as having all of those documents ready for review can save the married couple a lot of time and money. The financial paperwork should be kept away in a safe box or given to someone who the spouses can trust. It is also very important for each spouse to establish their own credit and open their own bank accounts to keep all finances separate. As the cost of filing for divorce can be very expensive, it is a good idea to save enough money to fund the divorce or make alternative financial arrangements, including divorce-funding businesses, which can help pay the amount in return for a percentage of the settlement.

Call a San Jose Divorce Lawyer

In January, many divorces are being filed so that the married couple can start out on a clean slate and find what they are looking for. If you are filing for divorce, Dominion Law Group, LLP is ready to assist you with your case. Our skilled San Jose divorce lawyers have over 28 years of experience in representing clients in family law and divorce matters, and we are ready to provide effective legal representation. For a free initial consultation, please give us a call at 408-288-5592 to get the help you deserve.





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