Child custody can be the worst part of getting divorced. Your life completely changes and then, you have to share your children. You are not able to see them every day. Some parents only have their children on the weekends. Some aren’t even that lucky. They barely ever see their children, whether it is due to the custody arrangement or distance.

If you aren’t able to see your children, your parents may also struggle with the thought that they may lose their grandchildren. They may actually wonder if they get visitation rights, allowing them to see their grandchildren.

Unfortunately, the topic of the rights of grandparents is a pretty new one. There is no national law for it. Instead, each state has their own statute which can make it pretty complicated.

Some grandparents sue their children for custody, but it is really important to work together so that your children can see their grandparents. Suing for custody and visits should be a last resort. Not many grandparents are awarded visitation, even though they do have rights to see the children.

Every step should be taken before grandparents go for the legal route. You should work with your parents so that they can still have time with your children. If they end up going through the court, they will face a lengthy battle, costing them a lot of money, and they might still lose.

If you are getting divorced and losing precious time with your parents, think about how they feel. Make sure that they still have access to their grandchildren. They deserve time together, just as much as you do!

Contact us for all of your legal needs.

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